Resep: Tofu shrimp fried Yang Nikmat

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Tofu shrimp fried. Heat up wok or skillet and add cooking oil. Stir-fry the shrimp until pink and just cooked and remove. Use oil left in pan and sauté the ginger root and green onions until fragrant.

Tofu shrimp fried Remove the shrimp and set aside. Add the remaining oil to the wok. Strain through a cloth or paper towel-lined mesh strainer. Kamu bisa menyiapkan Tofu shrimp fried menggunakan 9 bumbu dan 6 langkah. Begini cara memasak masakan nya.

Bahan untuk Tofu shrimp fried

  1. Kamu perlu 1 tahu.
  2. Kamu perlu Tepung tapioka (berdasarkan ingin membuat berapa buah).
  3. Kamu perlu Tepung terigu (berdasarkan ingin membuat berapa buah).
  4. Kamu perlu 2 bawang putih (bumbu halus).
  5. Siapkan 2 bawang merah (bumbu halus).
  6. Kamu perlu 1 sdt Penyedap rasa.
  7. Siapkan 1 sdt Garam.
  8. Diperlukan 1 sdt Gula.
  9. Diperlukan Beberapa udang (berdasarkan ingin membuat berapa buah).

Meanwhile, place tofu into a bowl and pour in hot or just-boiled water to cover. If you're new to stir-frying tofu, start with this marvelous marriage of land and sea. It is easy and the ingredients are readily available. The results showcase how tofu can absorb the flavors of its companion ingredients while becoming velvety.

Langkah-langkah membuat Tofu shrimp fried

  1. Goreng tahu..
  2. Masukkan bumbu bumbu seperti penyedap rasa, garam, gula dan bumbu halus.
  3. .
  4. Lalu tambahkan sedikit air panas, lalu aduk sampai merata.
  5. Setelah diaduk tambahkan beberapa udang didalam adonan, lalu isi dalam tahu yang telah digoreng..
  6. Setalah diisi goreng kembali dan tiriskan lalu sajikan.

Include the peas for bright color and a little sweetness. The shrimp shell stock gives the dish a real seafood taste, tester Johanna Nevitt remarked. The tofu is coated with egg, grilled until crispy, and then braised in a rich shrimp chicken stock. The tofu is so tender and absorbs tons of flavor. Tofu is such a versatile ingredient that can be made into very different textures and flavors in Chinese cooking.