Begini Membuat Korean Fried Tofu Yang Maknyus

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Korean Fried Tofu. Pan fried tofu in garlic soy sesame sauce is an easy and delicious Korean tofu side dish. It's so flavourful that even non-vegetarians would appreciate the taste! Today I'm going to share an easy peasy Korean side dish recipe using Tofu (Dubu, 두부).

Korean Fried Tofu When the oil is heated, add the tofu and pan fry until brown on both sides. Add the sauce to the skillet and lower the heat. Gone are the days of Southern fried chicken in my life (thankfully!), and since, tofu has stepped up as my favorite go-to replacement. Kamu bisa memasak Korean Fried Tofu menggunakan 7 bumbu dan 3 langkah. Begini cara menyiapkan masakan nya.

Bahan untuk Korean Fried Tofu

  1. Kamu perlu Tahu (saya pakai 1blok besar).
  2. Siapkan 1 sdm Gochujang (bisa ganti saus sambal).
  3. Diperlukan 2 sdm Saus tomat.
  4. Diperlukan 1 sdm Gula / madu.
  5. Siapkan Sedikit garam.
  6. Siapkan secukupnya Air.
  7. Kamu perlu 3 sdm maizena.

Some new vegans struggle with the idea of having fried foods because most of us have been taught that the only way to properly bread something (in preparation for the fryer), is to coat it with some sort of egg. This Korean "fried" tofu is the crispiest tofu I have ever had. Not only that, it is actually not fried at all, but baked and still, crispy AF. These vegan Korean fried tofu tacos are my new favorite taco.

Cara Membuat Korean Fried Tofu

  1. Bersihkan tahu, kemudian keringkan dengan tisue (di tap tap) lalu potong kotak" Kecil..
  2. Masukan maizena dan tahu di plastik kemudian ratakan hingga tepung maizena merata.
  3. Masukan gochujang, saus tomat gula dan garam. Tambahkan sedikit air aduk hingga begelembung". Lalh masukan tahu dan aduk rata. Jangan terlalu lama agar tahu tetap crispy.

Spicy, crispy, delicious and actually pretty dang good for you. Also, did I mention the crispiest tofu happens to also be gluten free? Carefully add the tofu pieces one at a time to the hot oil. Towel off each piece with a paper towel. Add the tofu and lower the heat.