Cara Termudah Memasak Spiral Curry puff/karipap pusing Yang Nikmat

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Spiral Curry puff/karipap pusing. - Spiral curry puff is a tasty and favourite Asian snack especially in Malaysia and Singapore. It is a deep-fried crescent shaped pastry filled with a spicy, sweet and savoury potato filling. Because of its popularity, spiral curry puffs are found sold freshly fried at many Malay, Chinese and Indian food.

Spiral Curry puff/karipap pusing Easy step-by-step on how to create the spiral patterns. If you are looking for curry puff recipe that stays crispy for hours, this is it! The crust of spiral curry puff is made with the combination of oil dough and water dough. Kamu bisa memasak Spiral Curry puff/karipap pusing menggunakan 11 bumbu dan 8 langkah. Begini cara memasak masakan nya.

Bahan untuk Spiral Curry puff/karipap pusing

  1. Kamu perlu Bahan A.
  2. Kamu perlu 150 gram terigu.
  3. Siapkan 50 gram mentega putih.
  4. Diperlukan 25 gram mentega kuning.
  5. Diperlukan Bahan B.
  6. Siapkan 350 gram terigu.
  7. Siapkan 25 gram mentega.
  8. Diperlukan 1/2 sdt garam.
  9. Siapkan 175 ml air.
  10. Kamu perlu Feling.
  11. Diperlukan Kari ayam kentang.

Shortening is used to make the oil dough as it will yield a less. Curry puffs are the lovechild of British pastries and Indian curried potatoes. Like puff pastry, this pastry is a result of layering fat and water. These Karipap Pusing or spiral curry puff are more than recommended, we loved them.

Cara Membuat Spiral Curry puff/karipap pusing

  1. Campur smua bahan A...uleni sampe kalis dan bisa di pulung...lalu istirahatkan adonan tutup 15 menit.
  2. Bahan B..campur terigu garam dan mentega campur rata lalu beri air uleni sampe kalis..istirahatkan tutup slm 15 menit.
  3. Potong bahn A dan B jadi 4 bagian.
  4. Gilas adonan B taro adonan A lalu bulatkan sampe tertutup rapi... Gilas.
  5. Gulung adonan lalu gilas memanjang..lakukan sampe 4x.
  6. Potong setiap gulungan jadi 4 ato 5 bagian.. Saya 5.
  7. Gilas perlahan adonan sampe pipih..beri filing kari ayam..lalu cubit2 ujungnya dan rapikan... saya menggunakan sendok karena adonan nya terlalu keras susah di pilin(kurang air).
  8. Panaskan minyak yg banyak dengan api sedang setelah karipap masuk kecilkan api..goreng sampe kecoklatan..angkat dan tiriskan.

However, I recommend that on the day you decide to do them you have enough time to devote all the care and attention you need. It's quite a bit, but I don't advise you to reduce the recipe as we can freeze it and. Too lazy to make these yourself? Crispy and golden on the outside with a spicy savory potato filling, this scrumptious Malaysian snack is sort of a cross between a samosa and an empanada and is usually found sold freshly fried at roadside stalls. Since this post, I have become rather proficient at making not just ordinary curry puffs, but the swirling and visually arresting spiral curry puffs too.