Begini Memasak Baguette Home-made Yang Enak

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Baguette Home-made. HOW TO MAKE A CRUSTY FRENCH BAGUETTE. And it's all because of the technique! Start by dissolving the yeast in warm water.

Baguette Home-made While it's a challenge to make "real" baguettes at home, this version is probably as close to an artisan bakery version as you're going to find. The ingredients in baguettes are pure simplicity: flour, water, salt, and yeast. This is a baguette recipe with Poolish. Kamu bisa menyiapkan Baguette Home-made menggunakan 5 bumbu dan 8 langkah. Begini cara menyiapkan masakan nya.

Bahan untuk Baguette Home-made

  1. Kamu perlu 190 ml air.
  2. Diperlukan 1/4 sdt garam.
  3. Siapkan 27 gr mentega.
  4. Siapkan 336 gr tepung cakra.
  5. Diperlukan 1/2 sdt ragi instan.

Poolish is also called Pre-ferment, a technique in bread making where a starter dough is made the night before by mixing flour, water and yeast together. Especially warm Homemade French Baguettes that you can dip in oil, slather with butter, top with cheese and meat, or eat plain straight from the oven. I mean if I had to choose, fresh bread would always win over chocolate cake, gasp! The texture of a french baguette is crunchy on the outside, with a slightly chewy texture on the inside.

Langkah-langkah membuat Baguette Home-made

  1. Siapkan bahan.. Campur air + garam aduk rata... Tuang dlm wadah besar lalu Masukan tepung + mentega + ragi. Biarkan selama 10 menit TANPA DIADUK.
  2. Stlh 10 menit mulai diuleni hingga kalis elastis. Bulatkan adonan lalu diamkan slama 30 menit.....stlh 30 mnt, tinju adonan (utk mengeluarkan gasnya) uleni kembali sebentar lalu diamkan lg slama 30 menit.... Lakukan step ini sampe 3x setiap 30 menit (tujuannya utk menghaluskan serat roti).
  3. Stlh proofing ke 3x nya.. Tarik dough memanjang lalu potong dgn panjang sesuai selera. Tekan2 adonan agar tdk ada gas di dlmnya. Diamkan lg hingga mengembang 2x lipat... Stlh mengembang lalu taburi dough dgn tepunh terigu, kerat2 atasnya dgn pisau tajam lalu olesi dgn putih telur yg suda diberi garam sedikit....panggang dlm suhu 200 dercel slama 20 menit lalu turunkan menjado 150 dercel slama 35 menit atau sampai kulit dough terlihat coklat dan kokoh.
  4. Ini hasil foto dlm rmh.
  5. Ktnya kl homemade emng rongganya cm dikit 😁.
  6. Potong2.
  7. Update tgl 18 nov.. Bebikin lg. Kali ini lbh mungil dan ramping 😁.
  8. Taburi tepung biar keliatann home made nya 🙄.

This is the best recipe baguette that I've come across. I put all of the ingredients into the bread machine according to bread machine directions and put it on the dough setting. I add a little extra yeast, let it have a good long rise then brush with an egg wash. Select Dough cycle, and press Start. Yes, you can make real French-style baguettes at home in your own kitchen.