Garlic Pizza Baguette. This is the pizza you have when you haven't got a pizza. Delicious, easy, get the kids involved and yumm yumm yumm. This hot pizza dip is a hit with adults and kids alike!
This hot pizza dip is soooo good!
There is just something fun about slathering all that hot cheesy, pepperoni goodness onto toasted garlic baguettes and sinking your choppers into it.
Lukas Kienbauer unterstützte uns sehr bei der Produktentwicklung!
Kamu bisa memasak Garlic Pizza Baguette menggunakan 8 bumbu dan 7 langkah. Begini cara menyiapkan masakan itu.
Bahan untuk Garlic Pizza Baguette
- Kamu perlu 2 buah roti baguette.
- Siapkan 200 ml saus tomat.
- Siapkan secukupnya lada bubuk, garam, persil kering cincang (optional).
- Kamu perlu secukupnya italian seasoning.
- Kamu perlu 125 gr keju Mozzarella parut.
- Siapkan secukupnya keju Cheddar/Emmental parut.
- Siapkan secukupnya mentega cair.
- Kamu perlu 1-2 siung bwg putih cincang halus.
Finde was du suchst - schmackhaft & brillant. Jetzt ausprobieren mit ♥ ♥. The Garlic Baguette recipe out of our category Onion! Crusty baguette filled with a garlic and parsley filling.
Langkah-langkah membuat Garlic Pizza Baguette
- Nyalakan oven 200 derajat celcius. Campur saus tomat dgn lada bubuk, garam, italian seasoning dan persil kering cincang. Iris-iris roti baguette 2 cm, ambil 1 potong baguette, olesi dgn saus tomat, taburi dgn keju kejuan secukupnya, tutupi dgn satu potong baguette, olesi lagi saus tomat, taburi dgn keju, tutupi dgn satu potong baguette, dst dst. Tata berbaris di loyang..
- Aku pake loyang bundar jd seperti ini. Klo pake loyang kotak susun berbaris..
- Campur mentega cair dgn bawang putih cincang. Olesi pizza baguette dgn campuran ini. Panggang dlm oven selama 10-12 menit..
- Angkat..
- Kejunya lumer..
- Dalam sekejap langsung berkurang..
- Suami dan papa mertua ga berhenti ngunyah !.
Crispy & buttery Crusty baguette packed with an aromatic garlic and parsley filling Our expert bakers have refined their recipe and techniques over. Scrumptious Baguette Pizza Bites are easy to prepare pizza bites which everyone will love. Its a classic makeover to the regular pizza, which is simply delicious, and makes a quick handy snack. Das Streben nach höchster Qualität und absoluter Natürlichkeit bei. Butter both sides of the baguette slices; place slices on baking sheets.