Resep: Baguette Yang Enak

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Baguette. Combine the yeast and the warm water in a small bowl and stir with a fork to dissolve the yeast. A baguette (/ b æ ˈ ɡ ɛ t /; French: ) is a long, thin loaf of French bread that is commonly made from basic lean dough (the dough, though not the shape, is defined by French law). It is distinguishable by its length and crisp crust.

Baguette A baguette is one of the true icons of the French culinary tradition. The perfect baguette, light with a crusty exterior and a soft, slightly chewy interior, is as sublime a creation as has ever emerged from any oven. The baguette slices thaw in just a few minutes at room temp. Kamu bisa memasak Baguette menggunakan 9 bumbu dan 6 langkah. Begini cara menyiapkan masakan nya.

Bahan untuk Baguette

  1. Siapkan 336 g tepung terigu.
  2. Kamu perlu 190-200 ml air hangat.
  3. Kamu perlu 1/2 sdm gula pasir.
  4. Siapkan 1/2 sdt garam.
  5. Siapkan 6 g ragi.
  6. Diperlukan 27 g mentega.
  7. Diperlukan Olesan:.
  8. Kamu perlu Tepung.
  9. Diperlukan Air garam/putih telur + sejumput garam.

Or they can be warmed in the oven or toasted up. Hopefully this takes the mystery out of the crusty French baguette! It's definitely something you can do yourself, so don't let anyone intimidate you! You'll love the result and everyone will be so impressed!

Langkah-langkah membuat Baguette

  1. Larutkan gula dg air hangat hingga larut. Tuangkan ke tepung sedikit demi sedikit sehingga tidak ada lagi tepung kering, aduk hingga merata. Buat dlm wadah tutupi dg plastik wrap atau tutup panci. Diamkan selama 30 menit (autolisis) pada suhu ruang..
  2. Campurkan adonan dg ragi, uleni sebentar hingga setengah kalis masukkan garam dan mentega. Uleni kembali sehingga adonan kalis elastis.Buat wadah kembali, tutup. Diamkan kembali adonan selama 30 menit..
  3. Kempeskan adonan uleni ringan dg ujung jari sebentar hingga tidak ada lagi udara yg terperangkap. Bulatkan. Buat wadah, tutup. Diamkan lagi selama 30 menit..
  4. Kempeskan lagi adonan. Bagi menjadi 3 bagian. Taburi dg tepung. Giling tipis masing2 bulatan. Gulung. Taburi dg tepung terigu, olesi/ semprot dg olesan. Kerat2 dg silet sesuai dg pola yg diinginkan. Diamkan selama 10 - 30 menit..
  5. Panaskan oven pada suhu 200 derajat celcius dg api atas bawah. Panggang adonan selama 12-15 menit. Turunkan suhu menjadi 180 derajat celcius panggang kembali selama 30 menit (sesuaikan oven masing2). Tuk hasil yg kecoklatan pada 10-15 menit terakhir roti dapat diletakkan pada rak paling atas..
  6. Potong2 saat roti sudah dingin. Hidangkan dg olesan atau bikin garlic bread sebagai teman cream soup favorit. Yummy!.

Baguette is a classic French loaf of bread that is characterized by its long, thin shape and crispy crust. French baguette is a lean dough, meaning there is no fat present in the dough, which creates a chewy texture inside of the loaf. The word baguette in French means baton or stick, and therefore is sometimes referred to as "French stick. Generously grease the wells of an Emile Henry stoneware baguette baker, and sprinkle them with cornmeal or semolina, for best release. Place the logs, seam-side down, into the prepared baker.