Resep: Chicken schnitzel Yang Enak

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Chicken schnitzel. This classic chicken Schnitzel recipe sounds harder to make than it is. Plus, you get to pound out the day's stress on a boneless, skinless chicken breast. Traditional recipe for chicken breasts pounded thin, breaded with sesame and paprika and fried to a golden crispy finish.

Chicken schnitzel A foolproof recipe for a classic Chicken Schnitzel! This recipe will become a staple in your house It's basically a glorified Chicken Nugget and I'm obsessed! We've been making chicken schnitzel since. Kamu bisa memasak Chicken schnitzel menggunakan 5 bumbu dan 6 langkah. Begini cara menyiapkan masakan itu.

Bahan untuk Chicken schnitzel

  1. Siapkan Dada ayam belah jadi dua,.
  2. Diperlukan 1 telur.
  3. Siapkan secukupnya Tepung panir dan Parmesan cheese.
  4. Kamu perlu 1/2 cup Tepung terigu.
  5. Diperlukan secukupnya Lada dan garam.

Growing up, chicken schnitzel was a classic. I decided to make this dish oven-friendly using less oil, and an easier cleanup. This dish tastes great with potato salad, or mashed potatoes and a nice crisp. Chicken Schnitzel is an impressive, yet easy dinner recipe that the whole family will love.

Cara Membuat Chicken schnitzel

  1. Cuci bersih dada ayam, belah bagi dua, dan pukul2 tapi jgn sampai terlalu tipis.
  2. Tambahkan garam dan lada sisihkan.
  3. Di dalam wadah campuri tepung terigu dgn sedikit garam dan lada.
  4. Di wadah satunya lagi pecah telur, kasih sesikit air,.
  5. Campur tepung panir dengan Parmesan cheese sisihkan.
  6. Panaskan penggorengan,secukupnya minyak, celup ayam ke taburan kering, trs celupkan ke telur, dan terakhir tepung panir, dan goreng sampai golden brown, balik, klo udah coklat angkat, dan siap di hidangkan dgn mash potatoes dan cream spinach and enjoy.

Don't forget the German sides and German Riesling! Coat the chicken first in the flour, then in the egg wash and finally in the breadcrumbs. Transfer the cooked chicken cutlets to an oven-proof platter or pan, and keep warm in the oven while cooking the remaining cutlets and making the sauce. Schnitzel can be made with pork, veal, chicken, beef or turkey. So use whatever meat you want.