Begini Memasak Beef Steak with Barbeque Sauce Yang Enak

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Beef Steak with Barbeque Sauce. Fresh homemade fried beef steak with barbecue sauce and herbs, close view. This is a baked ham steak with homemade barbecue sauce. The flavors are excellent with baked beans or serve the ham with baked, mashed, or sweet potatoes.

Beef Steak with Barbeque Sauce Tip : Try adding opinions, mushrooms, vermicelli, etc. to make. This is an impressive barbecue steak dish, perfect for feeding a group of hungry friends or family. For the chimichurri sauce, place the chillies and garlic into a bowl. Kamu bisa menyiapkan Beef Steak with Barbeque Sauce menggunakan 8 bumbu dan 6 langkah. Begini cara menyiapkan masakan itu.

Bahan untuk Beef Steak with Barbeque Sauce

  1. Siapkan 250 gr daging sirloin (has luar).
  2. Kamu perlu 100 gr kentang.
  3. Diperlukan 100 gr wortel.
  4. Diperlukan 100 gr buncis.
  5. Diperlukan 1 buah jeruk nipis.
  6. Diperlukan Secukupnya tomat.
  7. Diperlukan Secukupnya jagung manis.
  8. Kamu perlu Secukupnya garam.

Try this hearty barbecue recipe today. Place remaining marinade in small saucepan; bring to a boil. Cherry Barbecue Beef Kabobs will brighten any cookout with colorful flavor. You can make this using beef or pork steak, if you are using a sweet barbecue sauce then I would suggest omitting the brown sugar you may slice the steaks into cubes instead of leaving in one piece if desired and sliced green bell pepper may also be added in.

Cara Membuat Beef Steak with Barbeque Sauce

  1. Potong dan cuci bersih semua sayuran, lalu rebus bergantian dan sisihkan.
  2. Potong daging tambahkan lada bubuk, garam dan jeruk nipis, diamkan selama 1 jam.
  3. Lapisi daging dengan saus barbeque.
  4. Panggang daging diatas teflon yg sudah dilapisi mentega, jangan lupa dibalik dagingnya 😀, kurleb 20 menit (medium rare) tergantung selera, mau medium rare, medium, medium well, sampai well done (menyesuaikan ajah).
  5. Letakan diatas piring dan sisihkan.
  6. Sajikan dengan saus barbeque dan sayuran *Resep Saus Barbeque nya menyusul ya.

Beef steak - download this royalty free Stock Photo in seconds. No membership needed. fresh beef steak with vegetables on a cutting board. Beef sirloin just might be America's favorite cut of beef, for good reason: it's readily available at grocery stores, affordable, and tender Hearty sirloin steak is a great choice for steak frites. Barbecued beef matches wonderfully with a range of sauces, such as ketchup, mayonnaise, guacamole, barbecue sauce and chimichurri sauce. Good quality steak needs little more than a drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper.