Resep: Charsiu | Chasio Babi | Chinese BBQ Pork | Yang Nikmat

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Charsiu | Chasio Babi | Chinese BBQ Pork |. Chinese BBQ pork is loved the world over, and it's not hard to make at home! With some key ingredients and a couple of technique, it might even be better. Try this Chinese-style grilled pork with a sweet-and-sour marinade next time you break out the charcoal grill.

Charsiu | Chasio Babi | Chinese BBQ Pork | Lihat juga resep Chinese Barbeque Pork Belly / charsiu samcan 🐖 dg wajan anti lengket enak lainnya! The best Char Siu recipe with perfect Cantonese BBQ char siu pork and sweet char siu sauce. An authentic recipe that tastes just like Chinatown restaurants! Kamu bisa memasak Charsiu | Chasio Babi | Chinese BBQ Pork | menggunakan 11 bumbu dan 5 langkah. Begini cara memasak masakan itu.

Bahan untuk Charsiu | Chasio Babi | Chinese BBQ Pork |

  1. Kamu perlu 500 gr daging babi bagian bahu (atau bisa diganti ayam juga).
  2. Kamu perlu Bahan Bumbu :.
  3. Kamu perlu 3 sdm bumbu charsiu beli jadi merk Lee Kum Kee.
  4. Siapkan 1 sdt angkak, tumbuk halus jadi serbuk.
  5. Diperlukan 2 siung bawang putih, haluskan.
  6. Diperlukan 1 sdm minyak wijen.
  7. Kamu perlu 1 sdt bumbu ngohiong.
  8. Kamu perlu 2 cm jahe, parut.
  9. Kamu perlu 2 sdm madu.
  10. Diperlukan Secukupnya garam, gula (boleh skip).
  11. Kamu perlu 1 sdt cooking wine (boleh skip).

Marion's Kitchen is packed with simple and delicious Asian recipes and food ideas. If you can't get to Chinatown then bring Chinatown to you - your Charsiu Pork looks amazing. Make things easier on yourself with this Charsiu BBQ Pork recipe which has a simple marinade and the pork fillets are cooked in the oven to infuse Chinese. Follow my step-by-step recipe to make this restaurant quality Make Char Siu or Chinese BBQ Pork at home.

Langkah-langkah membuat Charsiu | Chasio Babi | Chinese BBQ Pork |

  1. Bilas daging dengan air hingga bersih. Tusuk2 dengan garpu. Sisihkan..
  2. Campurkan semua bahan bumbu. Aduk2 sampai rata. Masukkan daging, baluri daging dengan bumbu semuanya sampai rata. Masukkan kedalam kulkas selama minimal 3 jam, saya sukanya sampai semalaman..
  3. Keluarkan dari kulkas, panggang di oven suhu 190 derajat celsius sekitar 40 menit. Setelah matang, jus nya banyak yg keluar..
  4. Panggang lagi dagingnya diatas teflon sampai agak mengering. Sambil dipanggang sambil dioleskan sisa bumbu marinasi dan sisa jus di panggangan. Bolak balik sambil dioles sampai kering agak hitam kecoklatan..
  5. Potong2 tipis2 lalu sajikan deh..

Love charsiu but always put off by that artificial bright red colour. This looks gorgeous, and is definitely less sinful compared to the commerical stuff out there. Learn how to make char siu pork from scratch. This barbecued Chinese pork recipe gives the pork a sweet shiny glaze. Recipe for Char Siu Pork with step-by-step photos #charsiu #chinese #pork #bbq #barbecue.