Resep: Chinese Honey Chicken Yang Enak

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Chinese Honey Chicken. Learn how to make Chinese Honey Chicken. Chinese Orange Chicken made with crispy fried chicken covered in an authentic orange sauce. Honey chicken is a popular Chinese recipe.

Chinese Honey Chicken Most of the honey chicken at the buffets I find a little too sweet for my liking. This Chinese honey chicken recipe guarantees crispy juicy chicken and a rich sauce that is bursting with flavor with a simple approach. Now you can make your favorite takeout dish at home and it'll. Kamu bisa menyiapkan Chinese Honey Chicken menggunakan 17 bumbu dan 4 langkah. Begini cara menyiapkan masakan itu.

Bahan untuk Chinese Honey Chicken

  1. Diperlukan 500 gr Daging Ayam (tanpa Tulang).
  2. Siapkan Bahan marinade :.
  3. Kamu perlu 2 sdm shaosingjiu (arak masak).
  4. Diperlukan 2 sdm kecap asin.
  5. Siapkan 1,5 sdm air jahe.
  6. Kamu perlu secukupnya Merica.
  7. Siapkan 3 sdm tepung kanji.
  8. Kamu perlu Tepung kanji secukupnya (untuk lapisan saat akan di goreng).
  9. Kamu perlu Bahan saos:.
  10. Kamu perlu 5 siung Bawang putih (cincang).
  11. Siapkan 4 sdm Saus tomat.
  12. Diperlukan 2 sdm madu.
  13. Siapkan 1 sdm Jahe (iris panjang tipis).
  14. Siapkan 2 sdt gula pasir.
  15. Siapkan secukupnya Garam.
  16. Siapkan secukupnya Merica.
  17. Kamu perlu 50 ml air.

This Chinese Crispy Chicken with Honey Garlic Sauce is one of those meals everyone loves! Easy to make spicy or mild. Asian Honey Chicken - A take-out favorite that you can easily make right at home - and the Plus, the homemade version is always better, right? So that's what this is - another Chinese take-out favorite.

Langkah-langkah membuat Chinese Honey Chicken

  1. Ayam potong sesuai selera (tanpa tulang), campur semua bahan marinade, diamkan kurang lebih 1 jam..
  2. Balur ayam dengan tepung kanji kemudian goreng dengan minyak panas goreng hingga matang crispy..
  3. Buat saos madu: tumis jahe dan bawang putih hingga harum, masukkan Saus tomat, madu dan bumbu lainnya tambahkan air. Masak hingga agak kental..
  4. Masukkan ayam yg sudah d goreng ke dalam Saus, aduk rata matikan api. Siap di hidangan. SELAMAT MENCOBA 😊.

See more ideas about Asian recipes, Cooking recipes, Recipes. Chinese Honey Sesame Chicken isn't huge in Australia. In fact, I rarely see it on Chinese restaurant menus. To this day, I remain perplexed why Honey Sesame Chicken hasn't made it to our shores. Chinese Honey Garlic ChickenCreme de la Crumb. boneless, skinless chicken breasts, honey Chinese Honey Sesame Chicken Recipes.